Download our Sample Free Cash Flow Dashboard

See How you Can Visualize Trends and Actuals Versus Forecasts

Learning how to build best-in-class dashboards is one thing, but visualizing what the finished product will look like is another. Many people don't fully appreciate how much dashboards can do to improve and expedite decision-making until they see an exceptional one in action. That's why we created a sample Free Cash Flow dashboard filled with interactive elements that bring the numbers (and the insights within) to life.

Read the instructions included in the download, then take some time to experiment with the numbers - ideally, plug in numbers for your organization. You will notice that changing one value automatically updates the rest, giving you an up-to-date and across-the-board portrait of performance. Though this is just one example, it illustrates the real-world value of having customizable dashboards automatically updated with real-time data. As you're exploring, imagine the impact these dashboards could have on your organization.

You will learn:

  • What best-in-class dashboards look and feel like 
  • How improved access to data leads to improved decision-making 

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